
Sunday, August 15, 2010

♥ Falling For Louisville ♥

About a year and a half ago, as a rapidly-approaching-30 single woman with nothing to tie me down, I decided to shake up my life, leave everything behind (including my beautiful sofa, Raoul...I miss him every day! ;-), and move 1100 miles from San Antonio, TX to Louisville, KY. Since moving here one year ago, I found that I had settled into a routine of go to work, eat, sleep, rinse, repeat. Through no one's fault but my own, I've felt somewhat disconnected from a city that I once loved enough to want to call home. 

While I have had the opportunity to explore the city a bit, there are many things that remain on my Louisville "Bucket List." In order to get myself out there and explore this great city even more, I have decided to blog about some of the delights and surprises that Louisville holds for visitors and residents alike! As an avid photographer, I also hope to use this as a means of improving and building on my skills. I will be writing about and photographing the people, places, food, and culture of Louisville (and surrounding cities) as I experience them. Nothing is too big or too small to be included! 

There are things on my list that I have already done, but I hope to do again and to more fully appreciate. If there is anything on my list that you would like to join me in, please let me know! I would love to have some company! I hope you enjoy my journey!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sarah! I think it's so cool that you love Louisville. I'm a Louisville native that has been living in Houston, TX for 10 years now (I'm 31 years old)... And I still love Louisville too! Thanks for sharing :)
