
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

♥ Chuy's ♥

I am from Texas. San Antonio, to be exact. And, like any good Texas girl should, I LOVE good Tex-Mex food! Unfortunately, since moving to Louisville, I have been deprived of anything resembling the Tex-Mex that I grew up with and have come to know and love. It saddens me that locals here think that El Nopal...or Los Sol Aztecas...or El Mundo...or any other "Mexican" restaurant around here is good! My first (and lasting) impression of the Tex-Mex food here in Louisville is that it is just bland. There is no spice or zip to any of the ingredients. Now, please don't get me wrong. Despite being from TX, I don't like things too spicy. So when I say there is no spice....there is NO SPICE!

Anyway, imagine my excitement when it was announced that we would be getting a Chuy's restaurant here in Louisville!

Chuy's (pronounced "chew-ee's") is a Tex-Mex chain straight from the homeland...Austin, TX. Granted, it was opened in the 80s by two Gringo's (that's white folk), and each location has tropical decor and comes complete with an Elvis Shrine (a personal favorite detail), but I was excited nontheless! I have never been to a Chuy's in my humble opinion, it was kind of at the lower end of the totem pole when surrounded by other amazing Tex-Mex places. However, seeing as how I've been so desperate for some delicious ooey-gooey enchiladas, I knew that this new Louisville Chuy's had to at least be better than El Nopal...

The restaurant just opened yesterday, so you better believe that my dad and I wanted to be among its first visitors! We went for lunch today, and I ordered the meal by which I judge every Tex-Max place...cheese enchiladas. They weren't perfect, but boy oh boy, were they 100 times better than the alternative! And...get this....there were spices!!! So much so that I broke into a spice-induced glisten and felt my nasal cavities open up! Haha!

There is still another restaurant I have been told to try. It is called La Rosita and is a small, hole in the wall restaurant located in Clarksville, IN, just across the bridge. I'm still curious about La Rosita, and will probably go one day, but for now, I'm just happy to have Chuy's in town!

P.S. Double snaps for them...they just employed over 170 people in Louisville!

(Please excuse these HORRIBLE cell phone pics...its all I had on me at the time!)

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