
Saturday, September 18, 2010

♥ Riverside/100 Years on the Ohio ♥

This afternoon, I went to Riverside, The Farnsley-Moreman Landing on the far Southwest side of Louisville.

The house was built by Gabriel Farnsley in the early 1800s on the banks of the Ohio River. This point on the river served as a riverboat landing where people would stop to trade goods on their journeys to the new West.

Gabriel Farnsley owned the property, which consisted of about 400 acres by the time he sold it. The new owners, the affluent Alanson and Rachel Moreman, bought the home and surrounding land in 1862. They eventually increased the size of the farm to approximately 1500 acres. It was the largest farm in Jefferson County at that time.

Today, the house, along with the outdoor kitchen, remains. There is also a new Pavillion and Visitor's Center that includes an auditorium for events, a small museum, and a gift shop.

This weekend was the annual celebration of 100 Years on the Ohio. Re-enactors dressed in period clothing and demonstrated what life would have been like in this area from the late 18th to late 19th century.

When I arrived, there was a group of people demonstrating a dance that was popular in social functions at the time.

I wandered through the grounds towards the house. In the yard, there were many tents set up for living and working.

Cute little guys!

The site of current archaeological digs.

Making pies in the kitchen.

I love the feel of this photograph!

Next, I went into the house. There were only a few rooms, but they were extraordinarily large with very high ceilings.

The view from the front porch and balcony. Imagine waking up to that every morning!

I love the light in this photo!

I took this photo for my sister-in-law. She loves the Wedgewood china!

On the side of the house, there was a fencing demonstration. I thought it was fun that some of the other re-enactors were there taking digital photographs! Anachronism, much? :-)

It was super hot this afternoon, and the heat was draining my energy pretty quickly, so I started to make my way back to the Visitor's Center. I got to catch a glimpse of President Abraham Lincoln as he was finishing up reciting the Gettysburg address, and also a military formation concluding the day's festivities.

A napping soldier!

On my way home, I had to stop and take this photo. Louisville has mountains! Well, ok they aren't huge mountains...more like hills...but still! Who knew?!?!

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