
Sunday, August 29, 2010

♥ Highlands Photo Walk / Louisville Meetup ♥

On Wednesday night, I attended my second Meetup, this time with the Louisville(ish) SmugMug User Group. In other words, a group of other local professional and hobbyist photographers! We met on Bardstown Road for an evening photo walk, and then went for a drink at Flanagan's afterwards.

I love this part of town, and intend to go back on my own to explore Bardstown Road and the Highlands more, but this outing was so much fun with the group that we had! About 30 people has RSVP'd that they would be at the walk, but we had a quick rain shower right before the walk was scheduled to start, and I think that scared quite a few people away. We ended up with about 12-15 great people! They had me cracking up, and even though some of them already knew each other, they warmly welcomed all the new-comers.

Baxter Avenue, where we stayed on our walk, is an extension of Bardstown Road. Like St. Matthews, it is an area of authentic pubs and restaurants, chic boutiques, and colorful and friendly people. I don't know how many times we were stopped and asked who we were and what we were doing! We had several people agree to be models for us, including a gentleman with his sweet motorcycle!

Anyway, here are, uh...a few...of my photos from the walk! ;-)

Rob makes a great model, don't you think?

Rob liked to jump into my shots, so I switched my focus to get him in! :-)

I used Photomatix to get an HDR effect in the photo on the left. I still only have the free trial version, hence the Photomatix watermark.

Rudy took a little tumble...but he saved the camera! Whew! ;-P

 Ha! Rudy is nuts!

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